COVID Boomtown
Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike,
realize that both come from God.
Remember that nothing is certain in this life.
Some businesses have been wrecked by COVID, while others have seen an unexpected boom. Which are you?
A COVID boom might be attributed to your particular industry that was already well-suited to social distancing, like Amazon. Or you might be like the nimble entrepreneurial businesses I see everyday that were able to adapt quickly to the pandemic and use technology to a new advantage.
If yours is one of the fortunate companies living in Boomtown right now, how are you responding? Are you behaving generously with your abundance? Or are you hoarding your surplus against future uncertainties? Are you living large while the getting’s good?
Statistics show that when income goes up, giving percentages tend to go down. But God has blessed you for a reason. You don’t have to look far to see people devastated by the pandemic who could use an extra measure of the grace God has shown you.
Are you stepping up to the needs during this time?