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Discovering our call to honor God in the marketplace. Read what we are experiencing.

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BlessBack Business Academy


February 2020

One Kingdom Builder, Ron Pedemonte, is making lasting impact in Nicaragua, through training and micro-financing for entrepreneurs. The BlessBack Business Academy is using Bible-based business principles to help impoverished communities help themselves. In February, Ron organized and led a team on a trip to Diriomo, Nicaragua to coach entrepreneurs and disperse micro loans. These are the stories of the clients and loan recipients.


Meet the coaches

Regina, Izkra, and Jeyling are the business academy coaches on staff. They were excited to receive a copy of Becoming a Kingdom Builder. They were even more excited to see what they called the “Hollywood Sam" headshot on the author’s note.

These coaches have been instrumental in the program’s success by teaching and developing local entrepreneurs on a consistent basis.


In collaboration with BlessBack Business Academy and Kingdom Builder, we created a 16-week devotional to go alongside the 16-week program. The devotional is designed to encourage Academy Students to grow in purpose and joy as a Kingdom Builder, integrating God’s wisdom into their workplace while advancing His Kingdom.



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