who is a kingdom builder?

Any business owner, entrepreneur or leader who intentionally pursues a personal relationship with God by following the principles, covenants and laws revealed in the Bible.

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It’s time for you to step a little more boldly into pursuit of your unique calling.


How did this all start?


A Kingdom Builder is any woman or man seeking to integrate Biblical principles into their leadership decisions in the marketplace. It’s anyone willing to organize resources and align priorities to intentionally affect the Kingdom of God. Kingdom Builders make a difference for good in this world. 

It’s time for you to step a little more boldly in pursuit of your unique calling.




our mission

Strengthen free enterprise around the world by cultivating more and better Kingdom Builders.

I will walk about in freedom, 

For I have sought out your precepts, 

I will speak of your statutes before kings, 

And will not be put to shame, 

For I delight in your commands because I love them. 

            - Psalm 119

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Experience Becoming a Kingdom Builder

This interactive guide is designed and written to help an owner or leader claim his or her role as a Kingdom Builder and become who God has designed you to be.


What People are Saying

“I love, love, love the new spiritual guide, Becoming a Kingdom Builder.  I read it cover to cover. It fits so perfectly into my mindset that I plan to use it daily in my inner search for peace and purpose!” - Julie Nestor



if you could

leave this world with one thing by which you were remembered, what would it be?



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